Tuesday 31 January 2017

BOBBI BROWN- vitamin enriched face base

I love this product I'm not one to dedicate a full blog post to a moisturiser; however this is truly deserving- I love it! Firstly it smells amazing; it is a fresh citrus smell (not overpowering). The texture is the perfect amount of thickness to feel like you have a hydrating moisturiser on, yet also sits comfortably underneath any amount of makeup. 

It is recommended for normal to oily skin types. I am dehydrated and sensitive skin type and it still works for me. I treat it as more of a primer, although it is nourishing it doesn't inject lots of moisturise- the reason why it's perfect for oily skin types. Face base contains Shea butter and this is what gives it that cushiony texture. My makeup literally doesn't move after I've applied a thin layer of this to start. I do use a serum before applying this product to ensure my skin feels nourished and hydrated- I would recommend applying a more hydrating product first if like me you suffer with dry skin/ sensitivity. If you are normal to oily then you can use this as both your moisturiser and primer. The texture of this product is amazing as it smooths over the skin so if I do have any stubborn dry patches or dehydrated areas it sits over them allowing any serums to work and ensuring my makeup doesn't cling to those problematic areas.

A little goes a long way so my personal pot lasts five months on average. It retails at £40 for 50ml. All my clients comment on how smooth their skin feels immediately after application, they also comment on how amazing it smells! I have rated this 5/5 and I'm excited to try more of the Bobbi brown skincare range.

Let me know if you have tried this product. What are your thoughts?

Fair of Face x


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