Thursday 26 July 2012

Pixiwoo Course

So majority of those who know me know that I have recently completed the Pixiwoo Course.. For anyone who knows make up will know who these girls are. Famous for their amazing youtube tutorials. Not to mention their blogs and extensive work throughout the industry. Having followed their tutorials from the start and watching them evolve into a make up phenomenon I realised the only place to perfect my skills would be on their week intensive course!

I can honestly say it was the best decision I could have made. The amount of tips and tricks they shared and the support on offer was amazing. It was make up heaven. Every brand worth owning was in the room. From MAC, Estee Lauder, Tom Ford and Chanel to Avon, Bobbi Brown and Illamasqua (they even had some Chanel Pro lumiere!)

First meeting Sam and Nic was surreal. I'm not one to be starstruck, yet I can say i was slightly nervous. Within 15 minutes i felt right at home. I was joined by nine other girls, some complete beginners, others with some previous experience. We learnt different looks each day and switched partners, this was to work with different skin tones and skin types. I was lucky to have some beautiful models!

We learnt various looks such as bridal, glamour, period, natural/day and drag!! Each day was completley different from the last. I enjoyed the different looks, i found some looks more challenging than others. With the advice from the girls I was pleased with each look i created.  I learnt so much including techniques and which products and colours suit different skin types/tones. Sam, Nic and Stacey were always on hand to offer tips and advice.

I had the pleasure of Nic being my model for the Period make-up. I chose a 60's look from a picture I found before attending the course and completely fell in love with. So when we were asked to choose an image i knew this was the one.

Sam asked for the complete 'Scouse Brow' look (I wasn't about to go that far haa!) yet i did give her a 'Liverpool girls night out' smokey eye. We chose to do something a little different and use purple and navy colours for the eye. Keeping the face and lips soft to make the eyes really stand out!

My bridal make up my model was Carmen. To compliment her skin tone i chose a pink shimmer with a hint of bronze for all over the lid. I kept the skin bronzed and flawless with a hint of peach to the cheeks.

One of my favourite looks i created was on Camilla. A navy blue smokey eye. It was inspired by Cheryl Cole when she performed at the Jubilee concert created by the amazing Caroline Barnes. I kept the eyes the main focus complimenting them with bronzed skin, some highlighting and a nude glossy lip.
 Something which i didnt expect to enjoy quite as much, yet once we got creative i loved every minute was Drag! The more products the better for this look. Eyebrows blocked out and plenty of colour! (not that anyone will be attempting this look for a night out)

Overall i had one of the most amazing weeks. I loved every minute of it, made some lovely friends and loved getting to know Sam, Nic and Stacey. I would recommend this course to anyone who like me adores make up and has previous experience, yet wants to enhance their skills further. If you are a complete begginner I would still recommend this course, yet like the girls on the course you should be well read and prepared for an intense yet amazing week!

More pictures from the course are on my facebook 'FairofFace Liverpool' 

Fair of Face x


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