Thursday 8 November 2012

HD brows

In my opinion eyebrows frame the face. A well groomed brow completes any makeup look. So wether it be a dramatic night out makeup finished with a sharp and dramatic arch. Or a simple day look using a natural shadow and a quick brush through the hairs, to compliment an effortless look. Obviously there are many other ways in which you can wear brows. For most of us we don't have time to create a different brow each morning, although being a makeup artist I do favour my brows to be a particular way for 90% of my makeup looks/occasions.

When I decided I was fed up of drawing, filling in and creating a similar brow look almost each morning. I began my search for a treatment which would give me perfect brows to wake up to each morning. I discovered semi permanant brows/tattoo'd brows. I absolutley love some of my clients eyebrows, who have had this treatment done. Yet due to being a makeup artist (also I don't feel old enough to make such a commitment) This wasn't the right treatment for me. I still want the option of altering my brows. I feel tattoo'd brows is a better option for those who have trouble growing eyebrow hair or have very sparse areas. I definitely don't have this problem; In fact quite the opposite and if I allowed them I could find myself sporting a uni brow!

That's when I heard about HD brows. The only regret I have is not finding out about them sooner! It is a combination of six stages. Which takes up to an hour long. The aim is to create and define the perfect brow. Fill in any gaps and create a natural arch and a defined yet natural finish. The stages are; plucking, tinting, trimming, waxing, threading, shaping with a pencil and colouring with a powder. All precise stages which result in the perfect brow shape. You talk through with your beautician about what type of brows you want, obviously the aim is a perfect shape, yet you can decide if you want them thicker/thinner. A strong arch or slight arch etc and tweak them to your own style so not everyone leaves with the same generic eyebrows. Which I think is also a great aspect to the treatment. I mentioned previous I have no trouble growing eyebrow hair yet after years of dodgy waxing and over plucking, my left  eyebrow had taken a beating and was struggling to grow hairs at the end of. My brow specialist picked up on this before I mentioned it. She explained how she could encourage growth and train the hairs to grow in this particular direction. Unlike a typical eyebrow wax which removes hairs that dont fall into the natural brow shape. HD brows guides and trains these hairs to grow in a direction which will improve the brow fullness. The tinting is also different to a regular brow tint. Instead of it tinting the hairs it tints the brow area too. This means it lasts longer and if you are trying to grow hair in sparse areas this will cover the gaps in the mean time. I would say it took about three sessions to gain my perfect brow shape and fullness. Yet after the first treatment there was a huge improvement and a massive difference.

I aim to have my treatment done every four weeks. I find this is a good space of time. Only in the final week will they begin to look slightly untidy and a few stray hairs will appear, this is nothing a bit of eyebrow pencil and makeup can't hide. I am due my seventh HD brow session at the end of the month. It really does change my whole face and even without any makeup my brows looks perfectly groomed. I get so many compliments from both friends and complete strangers and I would recommend this treatment to anyone.

At £25 it is pricey. An definitely is expensive if you view it as an 'eyebrow wax and tint' which you can get down the road for a fiver (which I've heard too many times) Yet this is a treatment and precise stages which transforms brows and really makes a huge difference to you face and the framing of your face. Where i go to get mine they offer your sixth treatment for free, as a loyalty bonus. So you can view it as £20 a month for 6 months. If you go to a reputable brow place to get a wax and tint. It will cost in the region of £11 every two weeks. So if anything this is cheaper, and in my opinion far better. I have converted many friends and clients to this treatment, and they all agree they wouldn't change back. 

I know HD brows are becoming increasingly popular and now there are mobile specialists and numerous salons who offer this amazing service. I have mine done at 'The House of beauty' which is at the end of allerton road. (opposite the library). I have had a few of the beauticians there and they are all lovely. They are well trained and know exactly what they're doing. It's a gorgeous spa and I recommend 'The House' just as much as I do HD brows. 

Here is a before and after picture..

Fair of Face x
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